Scholarship Stories


Meltem Vatan Kaplan


I was given the "Domestic Research Grant for Ph.D. Students" by the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation for a period of one year (2008 - 2009).

I think I am one of the first scholars. After I applied for the scholarship, I was excited to think about what I could do and how I could add value to my Ph.D. studies if I got the scholarship. Finally, when I learned that I was granted the scholarship, everything became more concrete, and I had an opportunity to expand my work plan with this support. Generally, I found it appropriate to benefit from the financial support of the scholarship to attend scientific meetings to improve my field study and thesis study.

For my Ph.D. study titled “Pre-Assessment Method for the Detection of the Risk Level of Monumental Masonry Buildings“, the field study and review of the global studies made in this field were very important. The subject of risk detection for monumental constructions had never been studied in Turkey, and there were a limited number of studies in the world in this field. During the period of the scholarship, I attended scientific meetings, such as;

  • European Heritage Association The Best in Heritage 2008
  • CHRESP: 8th EC Conference on Sustaining Europe’s Cultural Heritage
  • International Symposium on Timber Structures from Antiquity to the Present
  • 1st WTA - International PhD Symposium
  • International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin - MONUBASIN
  • 8th International Masonry Conference,
  • 14ECEE - European Conference on Earthquake Engineering
  • SISMICA 2010 - 8º Congresso De Sismologia E Engenharıa Sismica

In each meeting, I was able to give presentations regarding my thesis. These meetings allowed me to meet valuable scientists with whom I still keep in touch, to improve my information and communication network and to establish very useful relations in both my professional and academic life. In 2010, I completed my thesis and received the title of Assistant Professor.

I continue my studies in "cultural heritage and risk assessment", and I keep representing Turkey with scientific studies in the national and international platform. I continue to work as an ICOMOS Turkey member, ICOMOS - ICORP (International Committee on Risk Preparedness) expert member and ICORP Turkey founding member as well as ICORP Turkey Vice President.

I owe my gratitude to the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation for their support of young scientists.